Please submit your talk or poster application via EasyChair on the following link: Note that in order to participate, you also need to register and pay the conference fee.
Please note that YQIS 2019 does not have published proceedings, so you are welcome to submit work that has been previously published, and acceptance at YQIS 20129 will not impact the ability to publish your work in other venues.
Talk submission
Talk submissions consist of an extended abstract, up to 2 pages (including references) with font size minimum 11pt. The abstract should include a non-technical description of the work and its impact. Please submit the extended abstract in PDF format, no additional formatting restrictions apply. Please also submit a brief, maximum 400-word plain text abstract of your work. Talk submissions automatically apply for poster presentations as well.
Poster submission
Poster submissions consist of a maximum 400-word abstract with a brief description of the work and its impact.